norbulan merekah merah merona. membara membakar mengakar. masuk merasuk sampai rusuk. sudikah waktu berhenti sejenak untuk biarkan aku…Jul 8, 2024Jul 8, 2024
Aku Habis.Perjalanan pagi ini dipenuhi dengan sarang laba-laba didalam kepala yang tidak lagi bersua. Namun datang hening yang mencekam dan kelam…Jan 23, 2024Jan 23, 2024
I miss my boyfriend but he wouldn’t mind.Sometimes I feel like the world is just made for me and him, but he’s just enjoying his e-cigar. Some other time I feel like I would buy…Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
Y2K : Mengikuti Zaman Dengan Bernostalgia.Low-rise jeans, flip-phone, arcade games. Semuanya memiliki satu kesamaan : sempat eksis di tahun 2000-an. Mendapat pengaruh besar dari…Sep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023
petrichor“mengapa sih pribadimu begitu tenang dan menyejukan?” “benarkah? aku tak pernah merasa demikian.” kamu terkekeh. “iya, ibaratnya…Aug 31, 2023Aug 31, 2023
Strolling around Jakarta does not feel the same without you.Freedom is a thing that I always longing for as someone who grow up with a strict parent with a lot of rules and prohibition. The idea of…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
Indonesian Women for “Walk Your Worth” by L’Oréal Paris.People are still talking about Ariel Tatum walk on stage “Le Défilé L’Oréal Paris” on October 2nd 2022 French time, wearing a red dress…Oct 10, 2022Oct 10, 2022